Hashan Goonetilleke - Advanced Diploma in Sports Management Level 6 Diploma in Sport, Recreation, & Performance Level 5

23 September 2021
Hashan Goonetilleke - Advanced Diploma in Sports Management Level 6 Diploma in Sport, Recreation, & Performance Level 5

After moving to New Zealand and joining the New Zealand Institute of Sport, Hashan found opportunities opened. Hashan graduated with distinction in a Level 5 Diploma in Sports Management and Exercise Prescription.

Now studying a Level 6 Advanced Diploma in Sports Management, Hashan says he chose to join the school as the institute was known as a leading sport education provider in the country and offered practical knowledge.

Hashan balances his studies while working as a cricket coach at Cricket Wellington, and a Junior Cricket Coach at Wellington College. With the flexible working environment at the New Zealand Institute of Sport Hashan says the tutors always have time and eagerness to teach and help students with anything we asked.

Hashan now plans to be a professional cricket coach and follow his passion for cricket.

“I strongly believe that if you want to achieve something in life you need to work hard for it and enjoy it while you are at it!”


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