“The Bachelor of Teaching (ECE) has helped me to develop closer relationships with whānau and children while also developing my teaching skills.”
“One of my recent assignments required me to conduct an interview with a healthcare professional. They were very impressed with my NZTC achievements, and I was even given an employment application form for when I leave the farm!”
“I secured a job as a training teacher and searched for a provider that could suit my needs of working, studying, and raising a family. NZTC was perfect for me.”
"I feel like I can take away a new sense of self-confidence from my experience at Yoobee, obviously along with practical, hands-on design skills, pre press and mockup experience."
“I’ve been able to bring my theoretical knowledge and understanding to life in ways that are responsive to children's strengths, interests, abilities and needs.”
“I found NZTC to be supportive of me and my lecturers gave me the push I needed to keep going. Their help was only an email away; I just had to ask. I am really proud that I persevered and can now say I have achieved a master's qualification. The learning I gained is invaluable.”
“I had always been interested in ECE teaching so I decided to give it a go. I really enjoyed it and ended up being offered a job from one of the centres I had relieved for.”
“My study has equipped me to understand children better and to support their growth and development based upon their interests and everything they bring with them to the centre.”
“I truly hope that my experience supports others considering early childhood study options to choose NZTC.”